Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Future: Unknown to me, Known to God

Initially I was going to title this post "Frustration" but then I realized how I always hate seeing blog posts titled with such a depressing title("Get a life, kid!") so I renamed it. But I have been feeling rather frustrated lately and it's from such a familiar cause. But I figured if I wrote some of my thoughts down(i.e., vent) I would feel a little better and maybe my mind would feel better organized.

It's a rather common "teen" malady and it annoys me that despite being in the Word and prayer, I can't always focus my mind on the things above. ..instead, I think about the future, and specifically, my relationship with a significant other. I wish that so much I could just concentrate on the here and now and enjoy the friendships I have with others, which for the most part, I do. But when I'm alone and my thoughts wander(bad James!) I start wondering what plans God has for me. Which special girl is there in my future? And I wish that God would take away these thoughts until it's the proper time.

Because at least for now, I feel that I need to be concentrating on my education and walk with the Lord(not in that order) instead of building a special relationship, so why does God not answer my prayers and take away these desires? The hard part about being in such a good church and in such a good college group is that there are so many "righteous foxes", so many Christian young women of godliness and virtue. I guess it is a good sign that I am drawn to them but I do so wish I could just treat them all as sisters instead of wondering if one of them is God's gift to me(Prov. 19:14).

I will continue to trust in God and in His will for the future, but I will also continue to pray that he will give me the strength to be wholly focused on His plans for me.

I think writing this helped a little...at least, my head feels more clear.


Dream said...

Dear James,

Write more.


Dream said...

Dear James,

Write more.


Anonymous said...

Good words.